1 This weeks Inspiration | Mooch Style

This weeks Inspiration

We are always looking for Inspiration, Pinterest is a great tool to find exactly what you are looking for and then some!

I was on a hunt for "dipped" up cycles and came across some amazing pieces from all over the world.  I especially love the black bentwood chairs.  Bent wood chairs are super hard to come by in New Zealand and when you do find them they have a hefty price tag.

Check out the Inspiring pieces I found - keep an eye on our blog and instagram because I will be rolling out one similar in the next few weeks, along with a how to!

I Love the steel leg that has been painted and the wood left natural, I might give chalk paint a go for these, if anyone has some tips on this - let me know!



  1. I'm loving your page !! Keep up your fantastic creating .. I'm a big fan and admirer of your peices :)
    - Karlie McQueen

    1. Hey Karlie!

      Hope you are well, we are loving it too and its a great weekend filler. Hopefully we can look at buying a house in the next few years and these skills can be put to use haha.
